Monday, December 28, 2009
wherever you find love it feels like christmas
skiin' the beav

And on this particular day, it snowed. Giant. Puffy. Flakes. Huge, fluffy snowflakes flying at me in every direction. It was beautiful! It also makes everything seem extremely quiet. Have you noticed that? When it snows, all you can hear are the flakes lightly making a noise once they hit the ground or a tree or something. My favorite thing in the world.
This was memorable and a favorite from this month. How about you?? What is one of your favorite memorable moments from this month??
Sunday, December 27, 2009
dear people magazine

What the front cover should say is, "The Sexiest Man in Hollywood". At this point I would be, pleading for my money back. Luckily, I didn't spend a dime, a quid, a euro, on your farce magazine.
But, again, I would have to disagree with your claim. Because, as you all know, the sexiest man in Hollywood would be this man:

Besides, the title for Sexiest Man Alive has already been taken:
Utterly Disgusted
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Mi-mi: "Okay."
D: "Dear Heavenly Father..."
Mi-mi: "Dear Heavenly Father..."
D: "Thank you for this day..."
Mi-mi: "Thank you for The Wizard of Oz..."
Then, Mi-mi turns to Grandpa and Auntie Agnes, who were joining us for family night, and says, "I just said Wizard of Oz." Huge grin follows. Grandpa and Auntie Agnes could not contain their giggles. Once Amen was said, we all burst into fits of laughter.
What a nutter!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
favorite children's books

But I love it because it is real! It is a great reminder that we always must look farther than our inner circles. We must always be willing to help others, not only at this time of year, but all year round. Hans Christian Andersen also poignantly shows that a child's imagination is never dampened by the hardness of life.

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
rockin' around
Friday, December 11, 2009
fanatical friday
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
snl weekly
the art of capturing moving pictures
How about some other movies that make me wish I was a master cook or a choclatier?? Chocolat, for example. This movie absolutely makes me wish I knew what cayenne pepper tastes like in a divine hot chocolate mixture. Or what my chocolate flavor is after staring into a spinning South American carved disc. To even know how to make homemade chocolates would be great.
A friend, who is now my cousin-in-law, has recommended, several times, a movie that must be watched at Christmas time. I happened upon this movie today at Shopko and it was only $5. Since she has recommended it, I took her opinion all the way to the bank and bought the movie. I will be sure to tell you whether or not to trust her opinions (I already know you can but if my opnion counts in any way, then I'm sure you will care to know). Joyeux Noel is now part of our home movie collection and will be viewed ASAP.
Bus Stop is another movie which must be enjoyed. I enjoyed it so much that my overdue rates at the video store were enough to buy my own copy. It got to the point where I completely forgot I didn't actually own the movie, that it really had to be returned or else...
I would dare say it is the only movie where Marilyn Monroe's true acting talent is visible. She plays a bit of a ditsy blonde but in such a good way and there is a good way to play that role. Reese Witherspoon did it so well in Legally Blonde. I truly believe you must be smart in order to play stupid. It takes talent to know exactly how to do it. Unfortunately, Marilyn Monroe became the icon for ditsy blondes. She let herself be played into roles where her breathy voice and smizing eyes could make men go jump out of their seats and holler for more. Of course, this is exactly what made her famous. But I really wish she would've graduated into smarter roles as her career grew. We do all know how her true potential never came to fruition.
I just love movies...and not just any movie (The Ugly Truth really is that: absolutely, horribly ugly). I really love good movies. Movies that actually took some thought into making. I do occasionally like the shoot em' up, blow 'em up, run 'em down kind of movies (i.e. guy flicks). But there are even some "guy flicks" that had some thought to them: Tombstone, The Last Samurai, Open Range, 3:10 to Yuma, Gran Torino, The Last Castle...just to name a few. But, maybe not so surprising, movies like Les Miserables, Little Women, Dear Frankie, Becoming Jane, Anne of Green Gables/Avonlea, Somewhere in Time, Pride and Prejudice, Amadeus, Fried Green Tomatoes, Manon of the Spring, The Mission, The Scarlet Pimpernel really entertain me. Pretty much any movie that was either adapted from a book or from true life. ;)
I get it; I realize there is more on that film than just moving pictures (ahem...Transformers...). I find myself excited that my time was not wasted by watching it. Rather, I was enlightened, moved, inspired, buoyed up. How great to transform life into a story played out right before your eyes. Not only for entertainment purposes, but to make one think. To really open your mind to other cultures, ideas, art, history.
I am definitely not an expert in talking about or reviewing movies. I just know how much I enjoy them...wait, let me rephrase much I enjoy watching thoughtful, inspired, well-directed movies. Movies that make me want to jump out of my seat, holler and move right in; to literally join that world, live it, breathe it, feel what it would've been like.
Any recommendations I should add to my list??
Saturday, December 5, 2009

We all turned 30 this year. In fact, today is La's birthday; she is the cute blonde in the gingham dress. She is the last of us to cross over into a new decade.
How young we were!! Our whole lives ahead of us. No worries. No money problems. No marriage problems. No illnesses. No kid problems. No unwanted fat on our bodies. No nothing. How wonderful would it be to live this day one more time? To live in this moment, knowing all that I know now?? To be able to wear little blue terry cloth shorts again and have them be that baggy on me. Ha!
I am so grateful we are all still so close. I am grateful we all can share memories like this with our kids and laugh about our naivete.
Friday, December 4, 2009

fanatical friday
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009

P.S. we also plan to write their name on it and also the year so we can keep track. Maybe all their ornaments from over the years will make a great present to them on their wedding day! Among other things, of course. ;)
Friday, November 27, 2009
happy happy joy joy
snl weekly: double-dose
snl weekly
Thursday, November 26, 2009
favorite children's books


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So I decided I was sick of my hair and got a haircut. This was my inspiration. Anyone else watching The Biggest Loser this season? I just love that show. Especially love that while I'm watching it, I'm usually snacking on something. Isn't that how it always is? Well, it shouldn't be. I should be working my tail off too. Anywho. The Biggest Loser make-over show was last week and I love this haircut Rebecca got. I have been wanting something new, just to change it up and to also be a bit easier to fix in the mornings. My friend Steph is absolutely amazing and worked her magic. Before and after pics soon to follow!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
"Pwease bwess the food. Pwease bwess Dorofy, Toto, Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow..."
At least she remembered to bless the food. :)
Monday, November 16, 2009

I am amazed that it has been 8 years but so, so humbled as well. I still have so much to learn. But again, I could not have found a better partner-in-crime. He is my best friend. He is my worst critic. He accepts my faults and loves me through it all. An 8 year old wine is good but not great. So here's to more aging, more experiences and more ups and downs together.
Friday, November 13, 2009
fanatical friday

Thursday, November 12, 2009
tricks and treats
favorite children's books

wizard of oz

I'm thinking I'm a bit of a pushover because I usually let her watch the movie. In my defense, she does beg for it ALL DAY LONG. Plus she is so stinkin' cute. I can't say no. I've tried a few times and it turns into fits of rage and tears.
I did try to explain to her that the workers at the beginning on Aunt Em and Uncle Henry's farm are the tin man, scarecrow and the lion. She didn't really care or understand. Not sure why I even attempted to explain and ruin the magic of it all for her.
I'm bummed that Dorothy's red shoes were not on display when I went to the many Smithsonians. How cool would it be to wear these for a minute?! Probably the most coveted shoes on earth. The red shoes truly steal the show. How uncool would the whole movie be if Dorothy wore those black school shoes she wears in the beginning?!?
The movie is such a timeless classic and from it comes one of the most famous, and most sung/recorded songs on earth. One of my favorite versions is from Israel Kamakawiwo: