Taylor Swift had a crazy year. She has blown up the charts and won me over...that is definitely saying a lot. I am not much of a country music fan. There are some country artists I like but it is not my music of choice. This may be changing with the current tide of pop music and the raunchy factor. Taylor did awesome hosting SNL, stayed composed during the mis-hap at the MTV Music Awards, and is just overall awesome in my book. I especially love this rap she did with T-Pain. How freakin' cool is this??
Lemon Cookie Crunch Popcorn
3 days ago
You update your blog WAY more than I check blogs, so I just spent way too much time on JUST YOUR BLOG. It was way fun, but I now know I have to check more frequently. Love you long time! Let's hang out.
I would have to agree with you on that one!! She has won me over as well!
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