I'm posting these late. We decorated our tree the last day of November. We always get a real tree. We tried one year to have a fake tree (the first year we were married) but both of us decided that was not what we would want for the years to come.

There is nothing like the smell of pine wafting through the house. Plus it is a fun adventure to pick out a tree with the kids. They had an especially good time jamming to some Christmas tunes around the tree.

Mi-mi checking out the ornaments.

The pictures of the house were actually taken today. We are now getting a good amount of snow, which is nice because that means the temperatures are back up to "normal" (33 degrees compared to -12). Personally I'd rather have snow than dry, bitter cold that turns my nose hairs into frosty icicles.

This kind of captured the falling snow but of course, it doesn't do the beauty of it justice.

What is it about the mixture of snow and Christmas lights that makes things so magical? My kid-like giddiness takes over and I just cannot help myself.
snow really makes it feel like Christmas. i miss that!! your tree and house look lovely!!!
I love the lights!
looks like A LOT of snow. compliments the lights! :)
oh it is SO beautiful! look how beautiful, magical your house looks! I love it. miss the beauty of the snow. we got our first real tree last year and had bees crawling out of it all month, so sadly we are now a fake tree family, for now anyway.
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