Dilemma part deux:
On top of trying to find the
perfect dress for my cute cousin's wedding, I have been trying to deal with a crappy, broken, sometimes keyless phone. I'm sure my hubby will be happy to tell you that I have never treated my phone with respect and therefore, the reasoning to why my phone has dwindled to this hopeless piece of scrap metal. People walking by commonly say, "Do you know you are holding a tin can up to your ear and talking into it?"
"Why, yes. It is actually my phone. Can you sign this petition, to my husband, saying how desperately I am in need of a new phone?"
Of course, my hubby doesn't feel a need to buy me a new phone yet because
his still works and actually looks like a real phone. For arguments sake, HE HARDLY EVER USES IT! His own words, and I quote, "I use it to tell time." Um...hate to break it to you but there is a piece of hardware designed specifically to
just tell time. It is called a
wrist watch. It's amazing! You strap it to your wrist (right or left...you get to choose!) and voila! it tells you what time it is. All the time. Any time you look at it. It's amazing.
So just in case my cute maple leaf hubby (he's Canadian...yeah, Canadians are actually cool) decides to read my blog, I'm just going to throw out a couple of phone ideas. Just in case.
There's the new
Blackberry Storm. Resembles the iPhone a bit. Lots of mulitmedia capabilities such as email and Facebook and blogging.
Samsung Omnia that also has a touch screen with Windows and HTML capabilities. Probably lots of things I would not know how to use until after reading the massive handbook. But still, pretty dang sweet.
Or the
Blackberry Curve in pink. Not a touch screen (may help me convince the hubby more easily), lots of crazy capabilities and PINK. Adds a touch of cuteness.
Oh. And consider this a petition. Leave a comment and help my cause!