The location: an ampitheater
Here is our attempt at making a family picture "work". Mi-mi is clutching her elefant for dear life but still crying. Too bad you can't see the giant red splotches all over her face from crying. Oh. Notice the snowy hill we are standing on? Remember the choice of shoes? Yeah. AND I tripped on the stoney path to the snowy hill, while carrying Mi-mi. I almost dropped her but luckily caught her mid-air. Double yeah....totally nightmarish and uncool.
I also wish you could really feel how cold we are in this picture. It literally took us 2 hours to defrost and another 3 to warm up to the proper body temperature. Not sure I had ever been this cold in my life. I think I may have if I had fallen through ice and swam in a snowy river. Yeah, that's about how cold we were.
The date: December 26th
The temperature: 2 F
Windchill factor: -12 F
My choice of shoes: NOT smart but of course, super cute and fashionable
Shoes suitable for snow: BIG no
Shoes suitable for carrying a small child: BIGGER no
Did I think it would be a problem: gynormous no
We were late on arrival which did not add to the mix well. With it being freezing and the kids tired from a late night with their cousins, our target was already off que. We seriously should not have even bothered. But was I about to surrender after all my planning and precision bargain hunting for our matchy sweater set? No!
Here is the pic of ma and pa in-laws with their grandkids. Notice our cute lovelies up front? Mo stopped screaming and crying for two seconds together. Mi-mi is still crying, reaching out for mom like someone has snatched her up and is taking her away forever.

My awesome and cute sister came through for us today and snapped these for us. It really is impossible to have everyone smiley and happy, but they turned out way cute and they were free! Double dose of yay and yay. 

I'm thinking next year we will have to try the mustache idea like Annie and her family.
Oh, the joys of family photos!! Loved the description, and in your defense it looks like you have the littlest ones... hopefully all of the ones with older children... remember back to those days!!
Now I really, really need to see the shoes! Gorgeous photo, was all worth it. (thanks for the shout-out...I highly recommend the mustache approach although we didn't escape the tears either. Sometimes you just can't win.)
Oh, those are cute! We'll see you Friday and talk about it more!
We did family pictures at Old Main last winter and it was freezing! I love the winter setting though! Your picture turned out great and you would never know how miserable it was!
hee hee. such an accurate image of how family pictures go. it's impossible to have everyone looking great. you and dan look stellar though. the last one is the best of everyone! love mi's shoes!
Yes I agree we need a picture of the shoes! Oh the joys of family pictures. They turned out great though and you couldn't tell you were cold! You have a beautiful family.
Aren't family pictures fun? All the stress--good times. Yours turned out better than amazing! You have a beautiful family!
I'd just like to note that the "awesome and cute" sister is me! I guess that is obvious tho.
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