Thursday, July 1, 2010

o canada

In honor of Canada day today, we celebrated by chopping down a tree. Not just any tree. The giant pine that has been in our backyard forever. Longer than we have owned the home. I'm sure the original owner would not want to know there is one less tree in her old backyard. I am really hoping it wasn't planted on a special day either. Hopefully they didn't take, "plant a tree on your birthday" seriously. I am sure the country of Canada would not like to know one of their own (the hubby) was in favor of the removal of this tree. And on Canada day, no less. Oh my.
It was a beautiful tree. It became a hazard to have and the city was very kind to come and remove it for free. Originally we had a tree specialist come and give us a bid on removal. He thought a bid close to $400 would be about right. I could hire a beaver for much, much less. I'm sure the tree specialist didn't take that into consideration. Luckily, a giant powerline runs above our yard and the tree was dangerously close to it. So much so that it could catch fire or become electralized and shock the kids. Can you imagine that headline: "Electric Tree Kills Two." Shudder.
It definitely made for an entertaining afternoon. Especially since the tree guy decided he needed to keep climbing higher and higher. The kids loved that. The squirrels: not so much.
Grandpa came over with his John Deere wagon and loaded up the firewood. This also became an activity enjoyed by Mo.
So here's to Canada: a country full of pine trees, like the one we chopped down, and Big Turks and Mounties and Canucks and ketchup chips. Pretty much all things weird and tasty. O Canada!


dayna said...

oh i bet the kids loved watching! cool! and SO glad the city took care of it. hope all is well:)

Angie said...

How sad to see such a big tree go... but maybe more room in your yard??? And ketchup chips... Shane brought a bag of those home when he was up working on the Vancouver Temple because everyone told him he HAD to have them... our family wasn't much of a fan of those, but when we had our little "mouse problem" in our pantry, there were scratch marks and holes all over that bag... I was glad for a good excuse to throw them out! :):)

Brittney said...

i think that's a great way to celebrate any holiday! we have a massive pine in our front yard that's somewhat annoying...but technically it's on the neighb's property, so i don't think we'll be doing anything drastic. did yours give you much shade? do you miss it, or love it being gone?