I am in desperate need of your help. Well, actually my friend needs your opinion and she has enlisted me to enlist you, etc, etc. I posted previously about my awesome friend and her designs. Her business is really taking off. So much so that they have created a website AND she is going to be on the Martha Stewart show. Yes indeedy. Ash will be rubbing elbows with Martha Stewart. Did I mention I've known Ash since she was 3? (I'm already starting with the cool-by-assocation bit). Anywho. Go to their new website and let us know what you think. Leave a comment in my comment section. I will copy all your feedback and send it to her in an email. The setup right now is like a blog. She is not quite sure she wants it that way. Therefore the need for your feedback. AND if you could do it ASAP, that would be most graciously appreciated. :)