This picture was taken over a year ago. She has accomplished so much but since has been through the ringer. After her second surgery yesterday I am more and more convinced she is one tough cookie. She is my hero. Love you, mom! Soon enough she will be hiking all the trails in the valley and enjoying the pain-free life she has always literally dreamed of.
3 days ago
We are hoping and praying that the healing goes quickly and well with this one. Best of luck to Sheryl!
do you know it was not that long ago that i came across the "new" blog? i still had your other one on my google reader and just thought you had taken a blogging break :-)
your mom is awesome...and i am so glad that the second surgery seems to have gone so much smoother than the last.
sending thoughts and prayers your way...
we are hoping that surgery is the miracle she has been waiting for.
she is tough for the pain she has had to endure, but also for raising us
Good luck Sheryl! I feel so bad for your mom. I hope she gets better soon and is back to a busy normal life. She has had a tough go of it.
I love your mom. I hope this surgery will help her get her life back.
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