Harrods was our store of choice. Rather, it is not merely a store but a giant department store. Harrods has many, many floors of all you can think of: women's clothing, men's, children's, purses/bags, candy shop, perfumery, toys, groceries, souvenir shop (which they call the "arcade"). The size absolutely blew me away. It was very busy too. I muttered outloud, "I cannot imagine what it is like at Christmas time" to which my sister assured me it is an absolute mad house. I don't think I would ever dare set foot within a block radius.
On the main floor was this large alley of all sorts of goods: meats, fruits and veggies, cheese, etc. that were for purchase. But I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off the ceiling:
As you can see, it was so beautifully ornate. We spent quite a while wandering through the first floor and I doubt I saw the whole of it. We were trying to find the ice cream counter, as my sister had promised her kids they could get ice cream. We got lost while searching but finally found it. It was like entering Willy Wonka's factory.
All sorts of candies and everything so brightly colored. It was awesome.
This sense of wonderment lasted only a few short moments as then the reality of our predicament came to light. Our ice cream predicament. To be able to order some, you must secure yourself a seat at the counter. There were only about 20 seats for every 1,000 people per hour who also wanted their chance at having some ice cream. AND it wasn't just ice cream...it was Gelato. Perfect, smooth, expensive Gelato. So not only were our mouths already salivating at the thought of having some but the chance of us even getting some was slim. Our wait began and we waited and waited and waited...
A couple finally took pity on the kids because they slowly licked their Gelato bowls clean, slowly put on their scarves, slowly put on their long wool coats, picked up their bags, slowly, and left.
See how happy the kids are? Yes, there were only 2 seats for four of us. The kids won out and we got to stand and watch them eat their 7 pound (as in mula not weight) ice cream delights (too expensive for my pocketbook). :p
Did I happen to mention that minuscule silver bowl of Gelato was the least expensive thing on the 5 page menu??
We had to make a stop at the Godiva chocolate counter for some Cherry Cordials (my favorite). And as you can see by my bags, we had made several stops elsewhere for souvenirs.
Here are my nephew and I dancing near the entrance just inside of Harrods:
After our adventure in Harrods my sister took her kids back to their flat for some much needed rest and I ventured off to the Tate Britain. I had come all this way and could not miss my chance at seeing The Lady of Shallot by John Waterhouse.
It was only a few short stops away on the tube. I had fun taking pictures on the way. This was taken just as I came out from the tube:
Remember my love of the blue doors?
The walk to the Tate was enjoyable. I had my iPod and "Where the Streets Have No Name" came up on my shuffle. How cool is it to be walking the streets of London while listening to U2? Super cool. I felt super and cooler than everyone else. With, at the time, an unknown disappointment awaiting me, I'm glad my walk there was grand.
Lady working the information desk at the Tate Britain: "Welcome to the Tate Britain. Would you like a map guide?"
Moi: "Yes. Thank you."
I then flip through the guide, pretending to be interested and seeming less anxious and weird for only wanting to see THE PAINTING!!
Moi: "Can you actually point me in the direction of the John Waterhouse painting, The Lady of Shallot?"
Lady: "I'm sorry." (Dreadful words) "It is actually on loan at the moment in Canada for the Olympics."
Moi: My throat is suddenly parched and my voice inaudible. "..............aah...........squeak.......??????? Oh. Um. Thanks anyway."
Canada? Really?? For the Olympics?!!? Damn the Olympics!! I would, at this point, have damned Canada too but since the husband is from said country, I couldn't bring myself to do it.
The extra skip in my step was long gone as I sadly made my way back to the flat. At least it wasn't raining and the sun had come out. It made for perfect views out of the flat:
The British Library and all the treasures it holds is up next!
You've successfully documented the first and last time we get ice cream at harrods.
a great memory! ;) just think of all the aggie ice cream you guys can have when you are here! can't wait!! :p
I never knew that I want to go to England. It was fun reading about your trip.
I love reading about your excursions and seeing the pics. Beautiful places! I want one of those soccer suckers in Harrods for Katie. Way cool.
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