Dayna had this fun idea on her blog. Let's play!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
3 days ago
I wish we would have had the chance to make more memories. I'm sorry I didn't go for it while I had the chance.
I do however remember (a VERY long time ago) when my parents and I came to visit and we all went to Bear Lake. It was over July 4th. I think I was 8 or 9 years old at the time. We were stationed in CO so we were close enough to come. Seems like a million years ago.
oh so many...i remember being invited to your birthday party in 8th grade or 9th..opening presents in the basement and feeling a little out of place with the rest of the crowd. i loved you then and i love you now! i remember lots of movies in the basement, listening to music and barely catching you at the airport as you left for russia...great memories!
Starfish....need I say more.
Also, senior year when your parents were gone I remember my mom took you and I to SLC to shop for senior prom dresses. Fun times!
Obviously we've never met in person so I'm not sure how qualified I am to comment really, but I remember being so excited to read the first comment you left on my blog where you introduced yourself. I always love it when strangers have the guts to say hello, and you were so sweet the way you went about it. :) And now look where we are! Hehe.
I remember our fun married student ward. You taught the lessons before enrichment and I always looked forward to them. You were (and are) so dang funny and could always make me smile! I wish we lived closer!
I also remember coming to your house once with Nate and getting to know you better. I remember leaving and saying to him, "I like her!"
It has been fun to read and be reminded of such good times! Thanks for leaving your comments. It has made my day!
I have a few...and some that could embarrass you, but I'll be nice and say...
hanging out in your basement and watching the Muppets Movie! How random! You have always been and will always be the life of the party Nells! :)
watching veggie tales with a group college kids at your house...followed by the consumption of fat boys...mmmm
oh and the shimmy hug when i walked into doctines of the gospel insititue class
oh...the time I picked up the phone as a missionary in Thailand and you were on the other line...having dinner with you was unreal. unreal.
Believe me, Traci, I LOVED being on the other end of that phone call in Thailand. It was so exciting to call you and SURPRISE you. That was the best. I miss our shimmy hugs. Those are only for the select few. ;)
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