Being in a foreign country can truly be hard since everything is...foreign. When I was 16 and lived in Russia, it was hard at first. I was very homesick and missed being with my friends and having whatever I wanted at my fingertips. HobNobs became a staple while we were there. We had never heard of them before and to fall in love with them in Russia, of all places, is funny to think about. I would put them to shame trying to describe their oaty texture and dizzying taste. So whenever anyone in the family ventures outside the U.S., there is an unspoken agreement that you return with loads of these to handout. More like, it has become a don't-bother-coming-back-if-you-don't-have-a-suitcase-full of the McVities tasty treat. We had to stock up on these when in Canada. What are you loving right now?
So funny, since they are kind of a staple of ours here (same cookie, different name) and Brian swore by them in Portugal. I find it funny that if we can find a good cookie, we are thrilled, but it is SO true.
It seems to make everything better! It is funny too how food can bring back so many memories.
Right now i'm loving the Amish cinnamon bread I made the other day. It's so yummy and I just can't help myself. ( I currently have 5 starters in the freezer-can't ever be without it! haha)
Those cookies look yummy!!
I really love HobNobs sooo much too. I tell myself that they're healthy since they have 'digestive' qualities.... so delish!
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