Happy birthday to one of my bestest friends, Ash. She ROCKS! I have known Ash since we were three and we have partied hard ever since. She is much like this cake - many good things all wrapped in one. She is always up for a good time and always there when you need someone to talk to. She is totally laid back but always very ambitious and a go-getter. She is super smart and loves to laugh. Thanks for being my friend. You're the best! Hope you have a happy day.
You are the best ever!! Thanks tons for your birthday wishes. Honestly, you are the greatest friend I could ever imagine having. We'll be friends til' we're old and crippled! I can't wait until our kids marry each other from our arranged marriage as well. You are the best mom, best friend, and just BEST PERSON ever! Love ya' tons,
Our kids are going to produce the cutest grandkids ever! We will be the coolest old cripples together.
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