As any of my siblings would willingly tell you, we aren't much into country music. There are a few bands here and there that I like...I wouldn't dare speak on behalf of the above mentioned siblings. But I do enjoy me some country bands (not trying to sound country or anything). I pride myself on being open to all kinds/types of music genres.
SO when the opportunity arose to attend such a concert, for free, I jumped at the chance. I was excited that one of the country bands I do like was going to be there (Sugarland). I was even more excited to just have a night out and spend it with the ladies.
Kenny Chesney was headlining that night. Lady Antebellum opened, along with Miranda Lambert and then Sugarland. Unforunately...let me say that again, UNFORTUNATELY, Jennifer Nettles is sick and had to cancel (no more crocodile tears left to shed). But I have to admit, I found myself anxious to see for myself what kind of a show Kenny could offer. I mean, Oprah even featured him on her show. She, of all people, talked about his Entertainer of the Year award he has received over 5 years in a row.
So why am I freaking out? What kind of a concert is this? Showing up in flip-flops and realizing I'm part of the minority is not comforting (picture this: cowboy boots, bikini, cowboy hat...this attire not part of my wardrobe at all.). Plenty of country loving folk, crammed in to the Rio Tinto stadium and enjoying a night of beer drinking and tailgating that is customary at Kenny's shows.
You know what?? I was impressed. Don't get me wrong -- Kenny is no Bono. But, I truly enjoyed myself. He had a very charismatic presence about him and played to the crowd well. I just could not believe how crazy the women got when he set foot on that stage. Almost like a crazed cow who hasn't been milked for days and is ready to fight for her mate. These women would do almost anything just to touch him or have his eyes lock with theirs.
It was IN-SANE!!!
I too was really impressed with how he signed autographs after his last set. He went around to as many as he could and signed whatever they had: hats, guitars, pictures, t-shirts, ticket stubs. One lady was bold enough to raise her shirt for a little boobie signage. I was glad to see Kenny has more class that Bret Michaels and merely shook his head at the audacity of this crazed woman. I mean, that is sooooo 1980's. ;)
Between being drenched by other people's beer and nearly being trampled by crazed cow women, we had an awesome night.